
Light at the end of the tunnel

23 year old Pinky sat weeping at the Government Community Service Centre, Mahadaleshwar (Madhya Pradesh) as she awaited the Sankara optometrist to give further instructions.

A much loved daughter of doting parents, Pinky had gradually lost vision in both her eyes 3 years ago.

While she loved cooking and keeping house, she was now feeling totally handicapped and sat around the house listlessly, awaiting some ray of hope to enter her life.

Her parents were equally worried, as Pinky was now of marriageable age, and finding a suitable groom for a blind girl was next to impossible.

The optometrist called out to Pinky for another vision test.

She wiped her tears and listened carefully to him.

He assured her that they would be able to operate on one of her eyes where a mature cataract was detected and was easily curable.

Pinky burst into fresh tears, scared of the word “operation”.  

The nursing staff and her father pacified her, and spoke to her about her vision being back in just 2 days.

Still a bit shaken, Pinky got into the Sankara bus headed to the Indore hospital.

Within the next 16 hours, the surgery was done, and a Pinky with a bandaged eye was wheeled out of the OT for post-op recovery.  

The operation was a success.  

By the next morning, the bandage was off, black glasses were on and a tearful Pinky bid us goodbye.

Only, this time, the tears were those of happiness!