
Nirmala Mahatme is No more Dependent

Alone at 70, Nirmala Mahatme lives in a small cottage near the village of Banoti Gaon in Maharashtra.

Since last couple of years, she was unable to see clearly.

She was losing her vision.

It affected her work, her farming and even her daily activities.

Her children, now grown up with their own families, live far away in the big cities, themselves trying to make a decent living.

Nirmala did not know who to turn to for help.

She was all alone.

When Sankara’s eye check up camp was announced in the village, Nirmala’s neighbour came up to her and asked her to enrol for the check up.

At the camp, Nirmala was told she had cataract and would require a surgery at Panvel hospital.

Nirmala did not have money to travel till Panvel, and nor did her eyesight permit her to undertake such a journey.

Sankara volunteers explained to her that a van was ready at the camp site to transport all cataract patients to Panvel Eye Hospital. They also explained that the travel, the surgery and hospital stay with food would be completely free.

Nirmala required no more convincing. After all, her eyesight was her means to survival.

She quickly packed up a couple of belongings and happily took a seat in the van.

Today, she can see well, has got her job back, and recommends the eye check-up to all her friends in the village!